Zbigniew Brzezinski
Political science educator, government official, author
Born: March 28, 1928, Warsaw, Poland; came to U.S., 1952; son of Tadeusz and Leonia (Roman); married Emilie (Benes); children: Ian, Mark, Mika.
Education: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), 1949, Master of Arts (M.A.), 1950, McGill University, Montreal (Canada); Ph.D., Harvard University, Cambridge (MA), 1953; doctor honoris causa, Georgetown University (DC), Williams College, (MA), Fordham University (NY), College of the Holy Cross (MA), Alliance College (PA), Catholic University of Lublin (Poland), University of Warsaw (Poland).
Career: i.a.: instructor, assistant prof., Russian Research Center and Center International Affairs, Harvard University, 1953-60; associate prof., 1960-62, prof., 1981-89, Columbia University, New York City; director, Institute International Change, 1962-77; policy planning council member, U.S., Department of State, 1966-68; director, Trilateral Commission, New York City, 1973-76; principal foreign policy advisor, Jimmy Carter presidential campaign, 1976; National Security Advisor to U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Washington (DC), 1977-81; member, National Security Council - Defense Department Commission on Integrated Long -Term Strategy, 1987-88; co-chairman (with Brent Scowcroft and Henry Kissinger), President George Bush National Security Advisor Task Force, 1988; member, Presidential Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 1988-90; counselor, Center Strategic and International Studies, Washington, 1981 -; prof., Paul Nitze School of Advisory International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, Washington, 1990 -.
Author: i.a.: The Permanent Purge - Politics in Soviet Totalitarianism, 1956; The Soviet Bloc - Unity and Conflict, 1960; Ideology and Power in Soviet Politics, 1962; Alternative to Partition, 1965; Between Two Ages: America's Role in the Technetronic Age, 1970; The Fragile Blossom: Crisis and Change in Japan, 1971; Power and Principle: The Memoirs of the Nalional Security Advisor, 1983; Game Plan: How to Conduct the U.S. - Soviet Contest, 1986; The Grand Failure: The Birth and Death of Communism in the 20th Century, 1989; Out of Control: Global Turmoil on the Eve of the Twenty-first Century, 1993; numerous articles in professional journals and newspapers.
Member of, i.a.: past member, board directors member, Amnesty International, Council on Foreign Relations, and Atlantic Force; board directors member, National Endowment for Democracy; honorary chairman, AmeriCares Foundation; board trustees member, Freedom House, New York City; co-chairman (with sen. Robert Dole), American Committee for Aid to Poland; vice president, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (P.I.A.S.A.); board directors member, Polish - American Enterprise Fund, New York City.
Honors: One of America's Ten Outstanding Young Men of the Year, U.S. Chamber of Commerce, 1963; Presidential Medal of Freedom, President J. Carter, 1981; H. Humphrey Award, American Political Sciences Association, 1991; fellowships, i.a.: Guggenheim Foundation, 1960, Ford Foundation, 1970; listed in i.a.: Who's Who in America, Who's Who in the East.
Affiliation: Democrat. Roman Catholic.
Office: Center for Strategic & International Studies, 1800 K St. NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20006.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996
Brzezinski, Zbigniew Ph.D. -- geopolitician, security advisorDr. Zbigniew Brzezinski was born in Warsaw in 1928 and settled in North America with his family in 1938. He earned his doctorate in Political Science at Harvard University in 1953 and taught at that institution from 1953 to 1960. He was Professor of Government at Columbia University and a Senior Advisor at Georgetown University's Center for Strategic and International Studies.
From 1977 to 1981, Dr. Brzezinski served as Assistant to the President of the United States for National Security Affairs. He also served as a member of the State Department's Policy Planning Council and as a Director of the Council of Foreign Relations, Amnesty International, Japan Society, and the Tri-lateral Commission.He is a prolific author. His books include: "Political Controls in the Soviet Army," "The Permanent Purge-Politics in Soviet Totalitarianism," "The Soviet Bloc - Unity and Conflict," "Ideology and Power in Soviet Politics," "Between Two Ages - America's Role in the Technetronic Era," "The Fragile Blossom - Crisis and Change in Japan," "Power and Principle," "Game Plan," "The Grand Failure - The Birth and Death of Communism in the
Twentieth Century," and "Out of Control."
Dr. Brzezinski has contributed numerous articles on comparative government and international affairs to leading journals such as Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, World Politics, Survey, and Encounter. He has also written articles for American and foreign magazines and newspapers and is a frequent interviewee on major television programs.Dr. Brzezinski is the recipient of numerous honors including the Guggenheim Fellowship, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's "Outstanding Young Man of the Year" award, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences Fellowship, a Ford Foundation Grant and honorary degrees from Alliance College, Holy Cross College, and Fordham University for his role in the normalization of U.S.- China relations and for his contributions to U.S. human rights and national security policies.
From: Wally West