Rev. Louis S. Garbacik
At this time in our lives, the afternoon of Sunday May 30, 2004, when Roman Catholics throughout the world are in need of a "Priestly Hero" young and old men and women alike will celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Reverend Pastor Louis S. Garbacik of St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Polish Church of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. Religiously inspiring, to young and old alike, Father Garbacik, a West Hazleton native, was ordained to the Priesthood on May 29, 1954 by the Most Reverend Henry T. Klonowski, D.D., D.S.T. in St. Gabriel R.C. Church, Hazleton, Pa.
Born July 28, 1928, the son of the late Andrew and Sara (Strzempek) Garbacik he received his early education in Transfiguration Elementary and Junior High Schools; graduated from Hazle Township High School in 1946 and received a Bachelor of Arts from St. Mary's College, Orchard Lake, Michigan prior to entering SS Cyril and Methodius Seminary, also in Orchard Lake, for his Theological Studies.
According to the pen of history, Father Louis quietly accepted his first assignment on June 15, 1954 as an Assistant Pastor in Gate of Heaven R.C.C., Dallas and Queen of Peace and Queen of Victory R.C.C. in Harvey's Lake. In his quiet way, Fr. Garbacik moved to his next assignment on 9/15/54 as an assistant at St. Mary's Church of the Maternity Polish Parish in Wilkes Barre, Pa., where he remained until 9/27/63; after which followed his appointment as Associate Pastor and Administrator of St. Michael Church in Old Forge. Three years later, he began promoting Polish American Catholic values at SS Peter and Paul's Church in Plains, Pa.
Low key, but caring and vibrant in faith, Father Lou accepted his first pastoral leadership assignment on 1/25/72 as Pastor of St. Martin of Tours, Jackson' Pa, and St. Paul's of Starrucca, Pa., where he led his flock in the service of God for five years.
While coping with the growing problems of a modern world and trying to retain the heritage and culture of his Polish Ancestry, Father Garbacik was transferred on January 18, 1977 to Pastor of Holy Child R.C.C. Sheatown, Nanticoke, Pa. And was asked to take on the numerous challenges and responsibilities of Chaplain, Executive Director and President of the Board of Directors of St. Stanislaus Medical Care Center, Nanticoke where he remained until October 25, 1986 until being named Pastor of St. Stanislaus R.C.C. in Hazleton.
A true son of his Polish immigrant parents, Garbacik caught the attention of parishioners by always beginning weekend masses with the Polish greeting of "Niech Bedzie Pochwalony Jezuz Chrystus " (Praised be Jesus Christ) to which the parishioners respond, "Na Wieki Wiekow Amen." Holiday church bulletins were filled with Polish expressions, customs, culture and heritage as well as a choir returned to singing Polish hymns at the 10:15 Mass and Kolendy during the Christmas Season. Exquisitely decorative Christmas Scenes and Easter Shrouds and Tombs marked the Easter celebration, while the Blessing of homes and pastoral visits became commonplace, a return to yesteryear with an awakening to the Polishness of our youth.
A priest of many diverse talents, reintroducing St. Stan's to the "Treasures of Poland", Pierogi, 7,000 a week and up to 60,000 during the Holidays, "The kind that Grandma Used to Make" we were told; baked Goods ALA "Polski Piekarz" od Stary Kraju by who else - our pastor. Breads, rolls, babka, cakes, and yes, even "Pa,czki" that prune-filled donut without the hole in the middle Communion breakfasts in the parish hall, or just coffee and baked goods reminding his flock of the baked goods their grandmas made in their youth, silently making a point that the old does have a place in this modern electronic, computer, television and satellite world. Slowly a return to parish lite as it used to be centering on God and Family.
Parish religious also showed increased spirituality, both within and outside Polonia and daily rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy before morning Mass, daily confessions, a monthly 3 hour Marian Prayer service, special First Friday Services and distribution of Holy Communion.
In the distance planning for the 100th Anniversary of St. Stanislaus Parish (1893-1993) was coming on the horizon and that included renaming the House of God, St. Stanislaus Polish Roman Catholic Church. Parish dinners, the introduction of a 165 page parish cookbook with 539 tasted and tried ethnic recipes featuring Polish Cuisine, but also including Italian, Slovak, Ukrainian, Jewish, Hungarian, German and Dutch delicacies.
The Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, who had grown to know our pastor personally even got involved as he received a copy of the parish history and the cookbook and in turn presented his Apostolic Blessing to the parish on the occasion of the 100th Anniversary. The Pope affectionately refers to our pastor as "proboszcz" (Pastor) when he sees him, even in a crowd. Father has over the years received numerous invitations to special dedications and programs involving the Holy Father during his Pontificate.
With the return of Polish Masses twice a month and other traditional Polish/ Marian Services, recent immigrant groups from outside Hazleton have been attending our Services and others come for the Traditional Latin Mass once a month. Other Services include Gorzkie Zale Sunday afternoons during Lent, numerous novena's weekly and monthly to Divine Mercy, Maximilian Kolbe, St. Therese of the Little Flower, St. Ann and more. If there ever was a Polish Priest's Hall of Fame, Father Garbacik would be deserving of membership for his devotion and dedication in the Sharing of the Faith and the Power of the Polish Priest in the spiritual awakening of a parish. In his own quiet way Fr. Garbacik calls upon us, the Polish Community of the Hazleton Area, to come look at your Polish Heritage, your Roman Catholic Faith and search out its innate beauty.
A frequent visitor/traveler to religious sites in Poland and Marian shrines throughout the world as well as the Holy Land, our pastor has filled our church hall and rectory with the "Treasures of Poland and the World" with a valuable collection of art and wood carvings collected in his travels while also assisting religious orders and priests financially. A strong supporter of local and regional Pol-Am organizations, like the YMPA, Polonaise Society, Polish American of N.E. PA. and of Philadelphia; his commitment extends to the Polish American weekly and monthly publications. An ardent supporter of Father Richard Aust and the Lattimer Miners is demonstrated by his show of support in 1993 when he purchased 14 tombstones and a marker for St. Stan's Cemetery honoring the slain Polish Miners of Lattimer.
Beautiful Memories in the 50 years of a humble, unselfish, proud Polish Pastor who to this day can be seen shoveling the snow or deicing the sidewalks of our parish grounds in the early hours of the a.m. prior to morning mass always looking out for the spiritual and physical health of the flock he shepherds.
God Bless You Father Louis S. Garbacik on the 50th Anniversary of Your Ordination to the Holy Priesthood. You will be in Our Hall of Fame ~ Forever....BECAUSE .....YOU LEAD BY THE EXAMPLE OF GOD!!!
Dziekujemy Bardzo,
Parafianie [parishioners] SW. STANISLAWAFrom: Golden Jubilee Testimonial in Honor of Reverend Louis S. Garbacik, Pastor of St. Stanislaus Roman Catholic Church, Hazleton, PA; 1954-2004.