[Mirecki pix]

Article about Ted Mirecki receiving "Pride of Polonia" award [Arrow Picture]

Obituary of Irena Mirecka [Arrow Picture]

Thaddeus Mirecki
(1944 - )
President of the American Council for Polish Culture (2007 - 2009)

Born in 1944 in Poland to a family active in the under-ground resistance. In 1946 the family fled Poland under threat of arrest by the newly installed Communist authorities. He was brought up in France, Canada and the U.S.; educated as a chemical engineer, financial analyst and computer scientist. His jobs included: manager of a chemical plant; corporate planner; technical editor and reviewer of computer hardware and software, information technology consultant. He has authored almost 100 technical articles and conducted courses and seminars in the U.S., Canada, Warsaw and Moscow. He also assisted many Polonian organizations with installation of computers, networks, databases and other programs.

Active in Polonian organizations since his teenage years, he worked in the Polish Scouting Association; Polish Saturday schools; Polish parishes; Polish American Congress (active in the NATO expansion efforts since 1992; president for 9 years of the Washington Metropolitan Area Division and a National Director); the Polish Association of Knights of Malta (member of the editorial team of the Bilingual Bulletin of the Association); Member of the Board of the American Council for Polish Culture since 2002, and President since 2007.

After retiring from professional work, Ted has continued his activities on behalf of Polonia, and devotes much of his time to translating books from Polish to English and vice-versa. Among these activities were: translation and co-editing (pro bono) a publication of the Ossolinski Institute funded by the ACPC, The Fate of the Lubomirski Durers - Recovering the Treasures of the Ossolinski National Institute (2004), for which he received the Institute's Medal of Appreciation; an illustrated catalog of arms and armor documenting some of the wartime losses from the Polish Military Museum (Plundered and Rebuilt, Dom Zolnierza Polskiego, 2007); English-Polish and Polish-English translation of what became a 700-page book consisting of documents from the archives of Jan Nowak Jezioranski pertaining to the efforts of the Polish American Congress in NATO eniargement and accession (Poland's Road to NATO, Ossolineum, 2006); verification of the Polish translation of Benjamin Weiser's book A Secret Life, the story of Col. Ryszard Kuklinski (Swiat Ksiazki, 2004); leading a team translating Adam Boniecki's The Making of the Pope of the Millennium - Kalendarium of the Life of Karol Wojtyla (Marian Press, 2000). The Polish government awarded him the Cavalier's Cross of the Order of Merit.

From: Resume (2008)