View explanatory text about Moland House
Moland House Encampment - August 10-23, 1777
View historical timeline of Moland House
Photo credits: Andrzej Szczepanski, Peter Obst
The restored front facade of Moland House (2010)
Room in which Washington held conferences with his generals
Room in which Washington held conferences with his generals
Smaller room with writing desk and game board table
Smaller room with writing desk and tall-case clock
Kitchen of Moland House still has its original open fireplace and bread baking oven
Meeting room in the post-Colonial part of the house
A display of Colonial period dress
Soldiers of the 5th Pennsylvania Regiment (re-enactors) on the lawn of Moland House
The official Pennsylvania Museum and Historical Commission Marker
Carpenter planes a board
Craftsman demonstrates a foot-operated lathe
Musicians play Colonial era tunes for visitors
Re-enactors portray: (l. to. r.) the Marquis de Lafayette, George Washington, and Casimir Pulaski
John Godzieba leads a group of Colonial militia and volunteers (re-enactors); in back are representatives from the Pulaski Cadets organization
Illustration from Warren Williams' children's book "A Basket of Pears for General Washington"
Book is available on
Illustration from Warren Williams' children's book "A Basket of Pears for General Washington"