Zazyczny, Joseph L.
born: Jul. 17, 1935
state administrator, civic leaderPhiladelphia (PA). U.S.; son of: John and Mary (Olszewski);
married: Martha I. (Stronski);
children: Jacqueline, Joel, Jocelyn, Jayda Lynn, Jason, Justin.Education: Alliance Coll., Cambridge Springs (PA); U. of Colorado, Boulder; B.S., Temple U., Phila.
Career: city councilman, City of Phila. 1967-1979; corp. sec. Phila. Port Corp., 1979-1987; sec. of administration, Commonwealth of Penna., 1987-94; v.p., Govt. Programs. Nat. Prescription Administrators, Inc., 1994- . Mem.: found., Richmond Com. for Community Improvement, 1962-67; Phila. Democratic Exec. Com., 1967-79; Penna. Democratic Sta. Com., 1972-79: leader, 45th Ward Democratic Com., Phila., 1969-79; World Trade Assn., 1979-87; Intern. Found. of Employee Benefit Plans, 1982; Intern. Personnel Mgmt. Assn.; Pol-Am. Citizens League of Penna. (pres., 1971-77); Pol. Heritage Soc. of Phila., (pres., 1965-70, 1980-84): A.C.P.C. (pres., 1986 89).
Honors: hon. mem., Pol. Army Vets. Assn. SWAP., 1971; Human Rights Award, Human Relations Commn., Phila., 1972; Man of the Year, Phila. Profl. Soc., 1974, and Pol-Am. Common., Phila., 1976; Distinguished Service award, Mayor of Phila., 1979; Bronze Medallion, Chapel of Four Chaplains, 1993. Served with: U.S. Army. 1954-57.
Affiliation: Democrat, Roman Catholic.
Languages: English, Polish
Hobbies: history, dancing, politics.
Home: 345 Sentry Ln, Wayne PA 19087
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996
Joseph L. Zazyczny
(born: 1935)
City Councilman, executiveA Philadelphian, Joseph L. Zazyczny (pronounced Zah-Zitch-Nee) is the third of four children born to John and Mary (Olszewski) Zazyczny. He received his education at a local parochial elementary school and Northeast Catholic High School. He continued his education at Alliance College, Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania; University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado; and graduated from Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with a BS in Business Management.
He attended Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government.
Joe served in the United States Army, with a tour of duty in Germany, within the Regimental Communications unit and received an honorable discharge in August 1957. While at Fort Carson, Colorado, he instituted a communications network with local commercial radio and television stations, which broadcast the Pike's Peak Hill Climb, and the annual summer Pike's Peak Race. For this effort, he received a commendation from the Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce.
In 1962, he organized the Richmond Committee for Community Improvement leading the fight against uncontrolled air pollution; indiscriminate zoning abuses, and was instrumental in preserving public access to the Delaware River waterfront.
Between 1959 and 1967, Joe was employed by Firestone Tire & Rubber Company and the Gulf Oil Corporation, both positions affording him the experience in office administration, marketing, credit, budgeting and sales.
In 1967, he was elected to the Philadelphia City Council, representing 200,000 people of the 6th District. He was re-elected for two additional successive four-year terms and during his tenure, served as Chairman of the City Council Committee on Public Property and Public Works. As chairman, he guided and expedited legislation for the development of Tioga Marine Terminal, the Philadelphia Gas Works' new Port Richmond plant, the Center City Commuter Tunnel, the Airport High Speed Line, and SEPTA Rolling Stock acquisitions.
He initiated action leading to legislation of a new Air Management Code, introduced Bills to restrict pornographic establishments from locating in residential neighborhoods and was the prime advocate to control the sale of spray paint in an effort to eliminate graffiti. On numerous occasions he testified in behalf of the City of Philadelphia for a viable integrated highway system including the completion of Interstate 95, the construction of the Vine Street Expressway and the Tacony Freeway.
He consistently supported financial assistance for the Cultural Institutions and Free Library in the City of Philadelphia while spearheading the Free Tree Planting and Tree Pruning Program. He successfully pursued the construction of Delaware Avenue in Port Richmond section of Philadelphia to service new port development and was able to garnish $11 million for capital improvements to playgrounds and recreation centers in his District. He proposed the use of under-utilized school property convincing the School Board and the City of Philadelphia to construct an indoor cooperative swimming pool at Lincoln High School. He was a strong supporter for Senior Citizens' reduced rates on public transportation and established Senior Citizens' Centers within his Councilmanic District for Port Richmond and Mayfair communities.
During his tenure in Council, Joe insisted on financial accountability by city departments, the School Board and Public Agencies while advocating fiscal restraints in all general government expenditures.
While a City Councilman, he served on the following Committees: Finance, Appropriations, Licenses and Inspections, Transportation and Public Utilities, Commerce Navigation & Airport Facilities, Recreation, and Public Safety and was a member of the Passenger Service Improvements Committee which monitored the commuter lines servicing Philadelphia. He also served on the Board of Directors of the Philadelphia Opera Company, and the Pennsylvania Fine Arts Academy. Joe served on the Board of the Philadelphia Housing Development Corporation for 20 years that spanned beyond his tenure in City Council.
Joe is past National President of the American Council for Polish Culture. He is past President of the Polish-American Citizens League of Pennsylvania, the Polish Intercollegiate Club, and for nine years President of the Polish Heritage Society of which he was one of the founders. He also served as Vice President of the Polish-American Congress, Eastern Pennsylvania District.
He is a member of many local, state and national organizations, served on the Philadelphia Advisory Committee for the Bicentennial and the Century IV
Committee. He was a member of the Mayor's Board of Education selection panel, a Trustee of Northeastern Hospital and for fifteen years served as a Director of Polonia Federal Saving & Loan Association.
In his position as City Councilman, he introduced legislation naming the location for the placement of the Kopernik Monument and was chairman of the Kosciuszko Monument Committee; both monuments are located at 18th Street and Benjamin Franklin Parkway. He established the Friends of Kosciuszko Volunteers for the National Historical House at 3rd and Pine Streets through the Polish Heritage Society.He served as Corporate Secretary of the Philadelphia Port Corporation for nine years from 1979-1987 responsible for administration and finance operations.
In October of 1987, Zazyczny was appointed Deputy Secretary for Administration Department of Health in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. In January 1988, the Governor appointed Zazyczny to the Cabinet position of Secretary of Administration responsible for the management arm of the executive branch coordinating policies involving personnel, labor relations, affirmative action, and electronic data services. As Secretary of the Office of Administration he initiated actions effectuating almost $200 million in savings within the employee and annuitant health benefit program and also implemented changes within the Commonwealth saving an additional $616 million in revenue enhancements, cost avoidance measures and productivity Improvements.
Zazyczny joined the National Prescriptions Administrators, Inc. (NPA) of East Hanover, New Jersey, a Prescription Benefit Management Company in January 1995 as Vice President of Government Relations and Marketing.
Secretary Zazyczny has been honored by State and City Governments, Educational Institutions, Civic, Professional, Athletic and Veteran Groups, Churches, Cultural Associations and is the recipient of the City of Philadelphia Human Relations Award. In all phases of his life he has maintained a high moral standard, is recognized for his administrative performance, was a consummate, candid, honest, indefatigable elected official and an incontrovertible, loyal civic leader.
Joe Zazyczny is married to Martha I. (Stronski), a child advocate, who currently serves as a Child Care consultant to the YMCA and they have six children 30 to 37 years old -- Jacqueline, Joel, Jocelyn, JaydaLynn, Jason and Justin.
September 2002 (supplied by Joseph Zazyczny)