Piotrowski, Zygmunt Antoni, Ph.D.
Associate in Psychiatry, Columbia University Medical School, New York City. Born in Poznan, Poland. April 18, 1904; son of Edmund and Salomea (Jankowska) Piotrowski. Graduate of "Gimnazjum im. Marji Magdaleny" (Mary Magdalene Gimnasium), Poznan, in 1923. University of Poznan, Poland, granted him Ph.D. degree in 1927. Married Irene Mary Glebocka, July 28, 1927. Senior Assistant at Psychological Institute, University of Poznan, 1927-28; Assistant in Department of Psychology, New York State Psychiatric Institute 1930-1931; Instructor, Columbia University Medical School, 1931-1943, Associate in Psychiatry, 1943- . Member of non scientific organizations: "Tow. Tomasza Zana" in Poland, 1916-1923; president and editor of "Mlodziez Sobie"; "Organizacja Mlodziezy Narodowej," later known as "Zwiazek Polskiej Mlodziezy Demokratycznej," 1923-1927; Delegate of "Centralny Zwiazek Mlodej Wsi" for America. Active member in central office "Zwiazek Obrony Kresow Zachodnich" for America in 1928 and 1929. Participated in plebiscite work in Upper Silesia, 1920. Member of following scientific organizations; American Psychological Ass'n, American Psychopathological Ass'n, American Ass'n of Applied Psychology, fellow: Rorschach Institute past president and fellow; Eastern Psychological Ass'n and Society for Research in Psychosomatic Problems. At present engaged in research in modern experimental methods of personality, in their applications to psychopathological and vocational problems, especially in the use of the Swiss Rorschach technique. Made chief contributions in validation of Rorschach personality method. Author of over 30 articles in professional scientific journals. Main contributions: "W sprawie matematycznej miary inteligencji," published in "Kwartalnik Psychologiczny (Psychological Quarterly)," vol. 5, 1934; "Objective Signs of Invalidity of Stanford-Binet tests," published in Psychiatric Quarterly, vol. II, 1937; "The methodological aspects of the Rorschach Personality Method," published in "Kwartalnik Psychologiczny," vol. 9, 1937. "The Rorschach Inkblot Method in Organic Disturbances of the Central Nervous System," published in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Diseases, vol. 86, 1937; "Rorschach Studies of Cases with Lesions of the Frontal Lobes," published in the British Journal of Medical Psychology, vol. 17, 1937; "Rorschach Manifestations of improvement in Insulin Treated Schizoplirenics," published in Psychosomatic Medicine, vol. I, 1939; "The Rorschach Method as a Prognostic Aid in the Insulin Shock Treatment of Schizophrenics," published in Psychiatric Quarterly, vol. 15, 1941. "The Modifiability of Personality as Revealed by the Rorschach Method," published in Rorschach Research Exchange, vol. 6, 1942. Residence: 138 Haven Avenue, New York, N.Y.From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943