Poplawski, Felix
Journalist. Born in Lowicz, Poland. Nov. 6, 1895; son of Woiciech and Rozalja Poplawski high school graduate. Studied two years at the University of Toledlo. Toledo, 0. One of the organizers of Polish Mechanics Co., Inc., "Stowarzyszenie Mechanikow Polskich w Ameryce" and its general secretary from 1919 to 1922. Married Mary Witkowski, May 1,1917; has one son, Roman, who serves in the U.S. Army. Since 1932 to date newswriter and advertising solicitor for "Nowy Swiat," Polish daily newspaper published in New York City. Member of Polish Socialist Alliance, Polish National Alliance of U.S. of North America, Polish Workmens Aid Fund Inc. and Polish National Alliance of Brooklyn. National president of Polish Workmen's Aid Fund, Inc., a fraternal organization with headquarters in New York City; Financial secretary of Polish Publishers and Newspapermen's Guild of New York; President of Polish Educational Council of New York; General Secretary of Polish National Council District No. 4 of Polish American Council. Through his initiative the Polish Workmens Aid Fund, Inc., organized Polish Youth Circles. Very active in relief work during the second World War and in raising funds for Polish War Relief. Residence: 764 -- 57th Street, Brooklyn, N. Y.[Ed. Died November 8, 1973]
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943