E. Casey Wardynski
Military officer
Born Sept. 3, 1957, Ft. Worth (TX), U.S.; son of Eugene and Theresa (Deane); married Susan (Chamberlain); children: Casey, Jennifer, Christian.
Education: Bachelor of Science (B.S.), U.S. Military Academy, West Point (NY), 1980; Master of Public Policy, Harvard University, Cambridge (MA), 1990; Command and General Staff College.
Career: operations officer, 619th Ordnance Company, Kriegsfeld (Germany), 1981-83, 72nd Ordnance Battalion, Miesau (Germany), 1983-84, Sierra Army Depot, Herlong (CA), 1985-87; commander, 78th Ordnance Detachment, Kunsan (Korea), 1987-88; assistant prof., U.S. Military Academy, West Point, 1990-93; operations officer, 1st Infantry Division Support Command, Ft. Riley (KS), 1994 -.
Author: several scientific articles and papers.
Member of: coach, U.S. Army Sailing Team, 1990-92.
Honors: Army Achievement Medal (2 times), Army Commendation Medal (2 times), 1984, 1987, Meritorious Service Medal (2 times), 1988. 1993, U.S. Army.
Served with: U.S. Army, major, 1980 -.
Affiliation: Catholic.
Languages: English, Spanish.
Hobbies: sailing, camping, writing.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.