Articles available on this site:
- Pulaski Birthday to be Observed - Saturday March 1, 2014 (actual birthday March 6th)
includes details about commemoration at the Pulaski Monument in Savannah, GA
- Fidelitas Medal awarded for 2013
Edward Pinkowski honored by Orchard Lake Schools
- Pulaski Birthday Observed - March 6, 2013
includes details about commemoration at the Capitol in Washington, DC.
- Installation of Historical Marker
in Jamestown, VA
to commemorate the arrival of Polish settlers in 1608
ceremony took place on July 20, 2012
- Pulaski Birthday Observed - March 6, 2012
in Washington D.C.
and Booklet about Pulaski's Date of Birth
- Jamestown Poles 400th Anniversary - Oct. 1, 1608
Informacja o Polakach w Jamestown, Virginia
information about event and exhibit at Pulaski Museum (in English and Polish)
- Tribute to Private Max Cieminski
by Edward Pinkowski
- Pulaski versus Pulaski
by Edward Pinkowski
- Edward Pinkowski Honored - Aug. 23, 2009
with Pride of Polonia Award at Doylestown, PA
- Pulaski Birthday Observed - March 6, 2008
in Washington D.C. from "Bialy Orzel"
by Edward Pinkowski
- The Pulaski Mystery
(Tajemnica Pulaskiego) from "Bialy Orzel"
English Language
version by Jack Pinkowski, Ph.D.
Polish Language
version by Michal Kucharski
Two Pinkowskis Gave $25,000 to Heat Church in Poland
by Edward Pinkowski (October 15, 2007)
Mystery of Dachau
by Edward Pinkowski
Pulaski Birthday Celebration at the U.S. Capitol
Washington, DC, March 6, 2007
The Turbulent Life of Anthony Sadowski
by Wojciech A. Wierzewski,
Polska Gazeta, Oct. 7-8, 2006
Polish Version
English Version
- "Polish Historian" by Eileen Soler
The Miami Herald, Sept. 7, 2006
- Edward Pinkowski's Biography
- Edward Pinkowski Honored by Florida Institute
- Pulaski Burial, Savannah, GA, Oct. 7-10, 2005
- The World of the Wachters
by Edward Pinkowski
(Polish Version)
- New Books About Pulaski
by AnnMarie Francis Kajencki and Francis Casimir Kajencki
- Faithful to the Memory by Barbara Alexandrowicz
(Polish Version)
- Governor Kulongoski of Oregon
by Edward Pinkowski
- Astronauts over Pulaski, Texas
by Edward Pinkowski
- Kosciuszko, Indiana, in Print
by Edward Pinkowski
- Nine Days with Pulaski
by Edward Pinkowski
- Search for Antoni Pulaski's Grave
by Edward Pinkowski
- Polish Names Project
-- Have Your Story Posted on This Website
- Antoni Sadowski (Sandusky) Polish Pioneer
by Edward Pinkowski
- Pulaski's True Birthdate
by Father Stanislaw Makarewicz, pastor of St. Stefan's R.C. Church in Radom, Poland
- Pulaski's Body
by Edward Pinkowski
- The Exhumation that Wasn't
by Edward Pinkowski
- Pulaski's Funeral
by Dr. Antoni Lenkiewicz
- The Pulaski Club of Williamsburg, Virginia
by Edward Pinkowski
- Pulaski Commemoration, Savannah Oct. 10, 2003 (photographs)
- Where Pulaski Met Washington
(photographs from Moland House re-enactment)
- Pulaski's Biography as a Timeline
- Books Published by the Poles in America Foundation
- Books Recommended by the Poles in America Foundation
- Kosciuszko House in Philadelphia
- Mount Kosciuszko in Australia and its Discoverer