Annual Scholarship welcomes applications for 2025
In order to promote and enhance the study of Polish culture and history, The Polish Heritage Society of Philadelphia has established scholarship awards which are awarded on a yearly basis. Scholarship awards in the amount of $1000 - $1500 will be granted by the scholarship committee, giving due consideration to academic achievement and quality of essay. These scholarships are geared toward two types of students: young people of Polish descent pursuing university studies, or any student whose foci include Polish or Slavic culture, history, or language. Recipients of scholarship awards in the past include young persons with a wide range of interests and academic subjects studying at various institutions of higher learning across the United States. Eligibility criteria and instructions for interested applicants are listed below.
Instructions for Scholarship Applicants
Selection criteria and eligibility
- This is a one time only award. Previous awardees are not eligible
- Award area is limited to residents of Southern New Jersey (Burlington, Camden, Gloucester counties), Delaware, and Southeastern Pennsylvania (Berks, Bucks, Chester, Delaware, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Montgomery, Northampton, and Philadelphia counties).
- Eligible applicants are high-school seniors or students accepted to or already enrolled at a college or university. College or university students must be in their freshman, sophomore or junior years only. College or university applicants must be either of Polish descent or any students pursuing courses in Polish or Slavic language, history or culture at university. The high school applicant must be college-bound in the subsequent autumn after graduation and is required to attach proof of admission to an institution of higher education.
- Academic achievement is based on a minimum grade point average of 3.0. Official transcript(s) or record must be submitted (scans or e-versions) to the scholarship committee.
- There are no financial or citizenship requirements.
Procedure for all applicants
Please submit the following:
- A 3 to 5 page typed, double-spaced essay in the English language discussing your interests in Poland, Polish culture, history, language, as well as a statement of reasonable length and breadth about your academic goals and career pursuits. Please include your name, address, telephone number, and the date at the top right-hand corner of the page, and your name only on each subsequent page.
- One letter of recommendation attesting to your academic ability. The letter of recommendation must not be generic, rather should be specific to this scholarship.
- A one page resume, with name, grade level in school, address (home address also if living at college), telephone, e-mail address, general description of academic/work experience, significant achievements, and any involvement in the Polish community/organizations.
- Submit completed application packets no later than February 28, 2025 to:
Teresa G. Wojcik Ph.D. Scholarship Committee Chairperson
via e-mail at Teresa G. Wojcik - e-mail: [email protected]
Incomplete packets, or packets without the identifying information as outlined in points A and B, will not be considered by the committee. In order to be considered, applications packets must be complete and must include the following:1. Essay including statement of academic goals
2. One-page resume
3. Letter of recommendation
4. Transcript (scanned or e-versions)
In addition to the above information, the scholarship selection committee may require an interview.It is important that you are available to communicate via email with the chairperson or committee members throughout the application and decision process.
Please try to consolidate all or most of your application documents into a single file. Use your last name in the name of the application file.
Notices of acceptance will be mailed no later than March 21, 2025. Winner(s) must be able to attend the award ceremony. The scholarship awards are usually presented following the Society's annual mass at the National Shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Doylestown, PA, on the first Sunday in May.