(l. to r.) Witold Andrzejewski, Newt Gingrich, Dr. W. Andros Andrzejewska
Dr. W. Andros Andrzejewska
Polish activistDr. Andros at 2002 Republican Convention in Washington D.C.
Washington, D.C. - Dr. W. Andros Andrzejewska and her husband Witold, members of PNA Lodge 2540 in San Antonio, TX, were present at the 2002 Republican Entrepreneur's Convention in Washington, D.C. Dr. Andros was presented by US Congress with a Gold Medal for Patriotism and dedication to the Republican Party and President George W. Bush. The Medal was presented to Dr. Andros by Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House, a man of honor and dignity, whom Dr. W. Andros has admired for years. It was a fascinating and very emotional moment for Dr. W. Andros as well as her husband.
Dr. W. Andros-Andrzejewska is also on the "Presidential Honor Roll in recognition of extraordinary commitment and unselfish generosity to promoting and defending the conservative principles and values we cherish."
Source: Zgoda (Concord), April 15, 2003.