Francis B. Koper

Roman Catholic priest, educator

Born Feb. 10, 1944, Wilmington (DE), U.S.; son of Frank and Mary (Gron).

Education: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.), St. Mary's College, Orchard Lake (MI), 1967; ordination, 1971; Master of Sacred Theology (S.T.M.), 1971, Dr. of Ministry, 1991, St. Mary's Seminary & University, Baltimore (MD); Master of Religious Education, Seattle University (WA), 1974.

Career: parochial vicar, St. Hedwig Parish, Wilmington, 1971-74; education director, 1974-77, rector, 1977 -, SS. Cyrii & Methodius Seminary, Orchard Lake (MI).

Author: Acculturation and Inculturation and Change of Cultural Identity of the Seminarian from Poland, 1991; chapter in Rady Ewangeliczne w Formacji Kaplanskiej, 1992.

Member of: youth moderator, St. Hedwig Parish Catholic Youth Organization, 1971-74, chaplain, Polish Roman Catholic Union of America, 1972-74, Polish Librarians Association, Wilmington; Priest's Conference for Polish Affairs, Detroit (MI), 1974; executive board member, Midwest Association of Theological Schools; National Catholic Education Association; Catholic Theological Society of America.

Honors: Padre of Youth award, Diocese of Wilmington, 1972; grant, Koch Foundation, 1990.

Affiliation: Democrat.

Languages: English, Polish, Spanish, Latin, Greek, Hebrew.

Hobbies: camping, boating, gardening.

Office: SS. Cyrii and Methodius Seminary, 3555 Indian Trail, Orchard Lake, MI 48324.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation,
New York, NY, 1996