Alexander Francis Sadowski
Born Mar. 27, 1920, Syracuse (NY), U.S.; son of Ignatius and Theophila (Rynkiewicz); married Helena (Calak); children: Alexander, Jan, Lucian, Mary.
Education: Bachelor of Science (B.S.), Syracuse University, 1942; postgraduate, Engineering College, New York City, 1942; Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, 1957; University of Miami, Coral Gables (FL), 1960; Penn State University, State College (PA), 1966-67.
Career: meteorologist, principal assistant, Weather Bureau Airport Station, Syracuse, 1947-55; program analyst, Atmospheric Scientific Services Division, Headquarters of National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1969-72; meteorologist, Meteorological Service Division, Office of Meteorology and Oceanography, National Weather Service, 1973-83; Retired.
Author: co-author, Remote Measurement of Pollution, 1971; numerous technical reports and memorandums; numerous scientific papers and articles in: Monthly Weather Review, Weatherwise, Journal for Geophysical Research, Science.
Member of: American Meteorological Society; National Weather Association; Scientific Center International Toastmasters Club, 1972; commander, Polish Legion of American Veterans, 1990, director, Polish American Congress (P.A.C.), Washington Metropolitan Division, Washington (DC); in Rockville - president, Twinbrook Citizens Association, 1962-63, Parent Teacher Association, Twinbrook School, 1970-71, and Polish National Alliance (P.N.A.), 1980, faithful navigator, Knights of Columbus (grand knights, 1967-68).
Honors: Distinguished Toastmaster, Toastmasters International, 1985.
Served with: U.S. Army, World War II, European Theater, Air Corps, 1942-45; United States Air Force (USAF), Korean War, major, 1951-53.
Affiliation: Democrat. Catholic.
Languages: English, Polish, French.
Hobbies: golf, gardening.
Home: 5906 Holland Road, Rockville, MD 20851.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.