Bozena Sarnecka-Crouch (Drozdowicz)

Polish, Russian and U.S. international law lawyer

Born Wilno, Poland; came to U.S., 1979; daughter of Ian and Ludmila (Zurawska).

Education: Juris Doctor (J.D.), University of Warsaw Law School (Poland), 1964; diploma (in comparative law), Faculte Internationale de Droit Compare, Strasbourg (France), 1974; Juris Doctor (J.D.), Duke University School of Law, Durham (NC), 1986.

Career: law clerk, Warsaw Court of Appeals, 1969-71; assistant prof. (law), Institute of Legal Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, 1968-79; summer associate, Porter & Clements, Houston (TX), 1985; law clerk, U.S. Bankruptcy Court, Los Angeles (CA), 1986, and Zonni, Ginocchio & Taylor, Glendale (CA), 1987-88; foreign law attorney, Law Library of U.S. Congress, Washington (DC), 1988 -; first Polish liaison, CEELI ABA, Warsaw (Poland), 1992-93.

Author: 4 book chapters on Polish law in comparative law books.

Member of: U.S. Supreme Court Bar; District of Columbia Bar; Pennsylvania Bar; Republic of Poland Bar; president, Foreign Lawyers Forum; American Bar Association (ABA); National Advocates Society; Polish Institute of Arts and Science of America (P.I.A.S.A.), 1990-92.

Affiliation: Catholic.

Languages: Polish, English, Russian, French, German.

Hobbies: sports, music, theater and movies.

Home: 226 C Street NE, Washington, DC 20002.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.