Sawa, BozenaBorn in Poland and finished her Master's degree studies there. For many years a dedicated teacher. In the United States teaches the English language to American youth from many different ethnic groups. She is also the author of the popular book Romans z Angielskim [Romance with English]. It is a book that inspires the reader and tells why one should study the English language, and also where and with whom, and how ling the course of study will last until one can use it effectively. This book is the result of over 15 years of teaching in the ESL [English as a Second Language] program.
Bozena Sawa writes for Kurier Plus publishing, among her articles, interviews with people of theater, culture and the arts. Her favorite subject is "Greenpoint and its people." She is an author known within Polonia circles in the US and Canada. She has contributed much to creating a positive vision of the Polish ethnic group and is one of the people involved in the cooperation of Poland and Polonia whose end effect is the common good, mutual support, and the improvement of the socio-political status for Polish-Americans.
From: Resume (2004)