Tadeusz Eugeniusz Schnitzer
Born Nov. 17, 1921, Jaworow, Poland; came to U.S., 1956; son of Jan and Aniela (Krupa); married Anna (Baccarini); child: Jan.
Education: Royal Polytechnic, Torino (Italy), 1946; diploma (in engineering), Polish University College, London (United Kingdom), 1951.
Career: chief stressman, Wilson & Rodger Engineering Consultants, London, 1951-53; engineer, Toronto (Canada), 1953-56; staff engineer, Blaw - Knox Company, Pittsburgh (PA), 1956-62; principal engineer, Brown Engineering / Teledyne, 1962-70, development engineer, Textile, Rubber & Chemical Company, 1970-72, Huntisville (AL); associate engineer, Du Pont Company, Wilmington (DE), 1972-92; Retired.
Author: 4 patents; Saturn V Complex 39 Service Arms Study, 1963; Dumpening of Swaying Apollo-Saturn V Vehicle (proposal). 1968; Tethered Helicopter for Fueling (development), 1968.
Member of: vice president, Fluid Power Society, Huntisville (AL), 1966-70; president, Delaware Society of Professional Engineers, Wilmington, 1980-90; American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); National Society of Proof Engineers; AMPOLA - American Polish Businessmen Association; Kosciuszko Foundation.
Honors: process improvement, 1980, patent award, 1992, Du Pont Company.
Served with: Polish Armed Forces in the West; 2nd Corps, 1st lieutenant, 1942-46.
Affiliation: Republican. Catholic.
Languages: Polish, English, Italian, Russian, Ukrainian.
Hobbies: reading, chess, tennis.
Home: 1105 Bardell Drive, Wilmington, DE 19808.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.