Zofia Anna Sicinska-LadaHomemaker
Born Gdynia, Poland, Feb. 13, 1937; daughter of Wladyslaw Sicinski (born Truskolasy, Poland) and Szewczyk (born Rossoszyca, Poland); married George (Jerzy); children from previous marriage: Joanna, Katarzyna.
Education: Diploma, St. Ursula, Gdynia, Poland; School of English and French, Gdynia, Poland; Roosevelt University, Chicago, IL; Chaffey College, Ontario, CA.
Languages: Polish, English, Russian.
Member of: Polish American Congress (PAC), Polish Tennis Association of Southern California, Polish American Cultural Network (PACN), Children's Medical Care Foundation.
Award: First place in the first beauty contest held after World War II, title of "Miss Wybrzeza," Gdynia, Poland, under pseudonym, "Iskierka," Jan., 1957.
Resident: lrvine, CA.
From: "Polish Americans in California, Vol. II," National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs & Polish American Historical Association. California 1995.