Sieja, Stanislaus
Composer and conductor. Born in Poland, in Sosnowiec; received his secondary education. Graduated from the Chopin School in Warsaw in 1903, and Conservatory of Music in Warsaw. Studied under Professor Skupniewski. Later engaged as a tenor by the Philharmonic of Warsaw. Later he was director of choir in Lodz, where he was also professor of singing at the College in Lodz. Professor of Church Music and Song at the Theological Seminary in Saratow, Russia, and professor of Church Music at the Theological Seminary in Plock, Poland. From Siberia came to U.S. to Chicago, Ill., where he opened the Music School and where he became conductor of following choirs: "Echo," "Filharmonia," "Zelenski" "Paderewski," "5klodowska," "Plon," "Druzyna." Organized 12 orchestras, 25 choirs; several choirs for children: "Promyk", "Jutrzenka," "Sloneczko," "Skowronek," "Wanda," "Orleta," "Bialy Orzel." Composed 700 pieces of music and songs. Conducted 272 concerts. Very active in social and national affairs. Address. 1502 N. Throop Street, Chicago, Ill.From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943