Siemionow, Maria M.D. Ph.D.
Born: May 3, 1950 in KrotoszynSiemionow, Maria M.D. Ph.D. (nee Kusza) is section head of plastic surgery research at Cleveland Clinic. She is also on staff at the Clinic's Transplantation Center and in the Orthopaedic Surgery and Immunology departments. Her textbook "Tissue Surgery" (2005) is used in hospitals worldwide. Dr. Siemioniw's specialty interests include microsurgery, hand surgery, peripheral nerve surgery, transplantation, and microcirculation research. For her research on facial transplantation, she received the 2007 James Barrett Brown Award from the American association of Plastic Surgeons.
From: Siemionow, Maria M.D., Ph.D., "Transplanting a Face: Notes on a Life in Medicine," Cleveland Clinic Press, Cleveland, Ohio, 2008