Jerome A. Simons (Siemiana)Engineer
Born Detroit, Ml, Aug. 8, 1922; son of Charles Simon (Siemania) and Blanche (Dominowski) S.; married Henrietta Gorzenski, May 24, 1952; children: Ruthanne, Denise, Gregory Charles, Rebecca Sue, Thomas William, John Chris, Rachel Maureen.
Education: Bachelor of Science (B.S.), metallurgical engineering, Michigan Technical University 1949; Master of Business Administration (MBA), industrial management, University of Southern California (USC) 1964.
Career: Engineering, General Motors and Dow Chemical, Ml; Rockwell International, Los Angeles 1960-70; engineering manager, U.S, Postal Service 1970-85.
Military: Veteran World War II, European Theater.
Awards: 2 Purple Heart Medals.
Member of: American Institute Metallurgical and Mechanical Engineers, American Field Service (AFS), Disabled American Veterans (DAV), Polish American Historical Association (PAHA), vice president, Polish American Historical Association (PAHA) California Chapter, Polish National Alliance (PNA), Polish University Club (PUC), Board directors, desert Crest Country Club DCCC, managing editor, Polish Amerlcans in California 1827-1977 and Who's Who.
Avocations: golf, bridge, theater, travel.
Resident: Los Angeles, CA.
From: "Polish Americans in California, Vol. II," National Center for Urban Ethnic Affairs & Polish American Historical Association, California 1995.