Sobieszczyk, Very Rev. John, C.R.
Superior of Resurrection Fathers. Professor. Social worker. Born Sept. 9, 1879 in Samostrzele, Poland. Son of Anthony and Mary (Zawacka) Sobieszczyk. Educated at St. Hedwig's parochial school, St. Stanislaus College, Chicago, Ill.; studied philosophy and theology in Rome, where he was ordained June 6, 1903. Appointed teacher at St. Mary's College, Saint Mary, Ky., in 1904-1905. In 1905 appointed procurator of St. Stanislaus College, Chicago, Ill. In 1920 appointed pastor of St. Hyacinth's parish, Chicago, Ill.; member of P.R.C.U., Polish Alma Mater. Died on October 11, 1926.From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943