Sobocinski, Very Rev. Erasmus, O.F.M.
Born 1841 in Kempe, Poland. Ordained in 1869 in Rome, Italy. Until 1880 engaged in religious work in France. Until 1888 Superior of the Novitiate in Krakow, Poland. In 1888 came to America as General Commissioner and Superior of O.E.M. for United States. In 1888 built a motherhouse of O.F.M. in Pulaski, Wis. From 1888 to February 5, 1890 pastor of Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary parish, Pulaski, Wis. Died on February 5, 1890.From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943