Jan Sporek
Music teacher, conductor
Born Apr. 4, 1948, Rajcza, Poland; came to U.S., 1987; son of Augustyn and Waleria (Gogler); married Halina (Kozlowska); children: Wojciech, Sebastian.
Education: Jan Kochanowski Teachers College, Kielce (Poland), 1970-74; Silesian University, Katowice (Poland), 1974-76.
Career: music teacher, Board of Education, 1969-72, director, Youth Culture Center, 1972-80, teacher (piano, conducting). State School of Music, 1982-85, Rybnik (Poland); conductor, artistic director, "Gornicy" Music and Dance Band, Leszczyny (Poland), 1979-87; director, Public Music Circle, Rybnik Coal District, 1980-87; founder, owner, piano teacher, Music Education Center, Brooklyn (NY), 1991 -.
Author: arranger, Polish folk music, 1980-87, 2 Polish suites, 1988, Polish and American sacral and patriotic music, 1989.
Member of: general conductor, Polish Singers Alliance of America; conductor, co-founder, "Hejnal" Choir, "Esprit de Chorus" Choir, conductor, "Jutrzenka" Women's Choir, Brooklyn; Polish Musicians Society, Warsaw; Willis Music Piano Teachers Association.
Honors: gold badge, Polish Alliance of Choirs and Brass Bands, 1976; "Mistrala" medal, Nimes (France), 1986.
Affiliation: Roman Catholic.
Language: Polish, English, Russian.
Hobbies: books, tennis, skiing.
Home: 87 Monitor Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.