Marjan Peter Staniec
Born Aug. 1, 1914, Chicago (IL), U.S.; son of Hipolit and Mary (Rulikowski); married Mary (Hobbs); children: Wayne, Joyce, Carol Ann, William, Joseph.
Education: Bachelor of Law (LL.B.), 1941, Master of Laws (LL.M.), 1942, Juris Doctor (J.D.), 1957, Catholic University of America, Washington (DC).
Career: administrator, Social Security Administration, Washington (DC), Milwaukee (MI), Port Huron (MI), Covington (KY), Chicago (IL), 1940-68; in Chicago - columnist, Chicago Daily Law Bulletin, 1963-88, biweekly columnist, Your Social Security in Chicago Tribune, 1965-67, co-producer, host, Social Security Tele-Line (TV program), 1965-68, assistant regional director, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1968-76, associate judge, Illinois Circuit Court, Cook County, 1976 -, adjunct prof. (law), Loyola University, 1986-87.
Author: co-author, Are You Planning to Live the Rest of Your Life, 1965, Emergency Civil Commitment; numerous articles in professional journals.
Member of, i.a. : Federal Bar Association (president, Chicago chapter, 1963-64, national vice president, 1964-65); Chicago Commission on Human Relations, 1963-67; public educational committee member, 1966-80, vice chairman, 1978-82, Illinois Division, American Cancer Society; chairman, Insurance, Social Security and Medicare Committee, Illinois Judges Association (board directors member, 1984-89); national delegate, White House Conference on Aging, 1981; steering committee member, Mental Health Association in Illinois, Illinois Court on Review of Proposed Mental Health Law Rules and Regulations, and Illinois Protective Service Coalition; chairman, Senior Lawyers Council, Illinois State Bar Association; chairman, Legal Issues Subcommittee, Illinois Attorney General's Advisory Council on Aging, 1992-95; board directors member, National Academy Elder Law, Illinois chapter; chairman, Chicago Bar Association; District of Columbia Bar Association; Illinois Judiciary Conference; Chicago Bar Association; North West Suburban Bar Association; West Suburban Bar Association; National Advocates Society; Advocates Society of Chicago; Muscular Dystrophy Association of America; Chicago Advisory Council on Aging; Social Security Managers Association; Lions Ciub; Moose Club; Polish National Alliance (P.N.A.); numerous other organizations.
Honors, i.a.: Sigma Delta Kappa; Loyal Order of Moose; Meritorious Service citation, U.S. Government, 1944, 1949; Distinguished Service award, Back of Yards Community Council, 1965; citation in Congressional Record, 1967; Outstanding Service citation, American Cancer Society, 1974, 1975; Outstanding Performance in Federal Service citation, Federal Executive Board, 1975; Certificate of Merit, Secretary of Department of Health, Education and Welfare, 1976; Outstanding Service award, Illinois Citizens for Better Care, 1982; Chicago Hall of Fame, 1990; Humanitarian Award, Central Lions Club, Chicago; listed in: Who's Who in American Law, Who's Who in the Midwest, Who's Who Among Human Services Professionals, Biography International, The American Bench.
Affiliation: Democrat.
Language: English.
Hobbies: golf, travel, photography.
Office: Richard J. Daley Center, Room 1707, 50 West Washington Street, Chicago IL 60602.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.