Bruno S. Stanislawski
Teacher, school administrator
Born Apr. 26, 1935, Elizabeth (NJ), U.S.; son of Bronislaw and Leokadia (Cichowski); married Antoinette (Disarro); children: Michael, Matthew, Lawrence, Theresa Vest, Stephen, Marianne, Elizabeth.
Education: Bachelor of Science (B.S.), West Virginia University, Morgantown (WV), 1957; Master of Arts (M.A.), Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, 1972.
Career: teacher, Woodbridge Board of Education (NJ), 1960-65, Hallandale Jr. High School (FL), 1965-72; students' dean, Plantation High School (FL), 1972-82; director, Adult and Community Education, Plantation Community School, 1982 -.
Member of: chairman, Americare for Poland, South Florida chapter, 1988-89; Marine Corps Reserve Officers Association; National Association of Secondary School Principals; Florida Association of School Administrators; Knights of Columbus, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, religious education director, St. Gregory Church, Plantation.
Served with: United States Marine Corps (USMC), major, 1953-78.
Affiliation: Catholic.
Languages: English, Polish, German.
Hobbies: golf, boating, reading.
Home: 1031 North West 75th Terrace, Plantation, FL 33313.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.