Jerzy Staniszkis
Architect, artist
Born Nov. 23, 1914, Kutno. Poland; came to U.S., 1962; son of Teofil Witold and Wanda (Piotrowski); married Maria Elzbieta (Szyller); children: Jan, Hanna.
Education: Master of Science (M.S.), Technical University of Warsaw (Poland), 1949.
Career: prof., State Higher School of Fine Arts, Poznan (Poland), 1950-60; visiting prof., University of Baghdad (Iraq), 1960-61; associate prof., 1962-72, prof., 1972-87, prof. emeritus, 1987 -, School of Architecture, University of Detroit (MI); coordinator, Student Exchange Program, Detroit - Warsaw, 1979-82.
Author: Urban Surgery - Detroit, Windsor, 1978; Chalk Talks, 1986-91; numerous architectural designs, posters, graphic arts, exhibitions in various countries, since 1936, i.a.: poster, Copernicus 1473-1973, 1973, poster and exhibition, Polish Perspective, Friends of Polish Art, Detroit, 1976, posters and stage - settings, Polish Home Association, Seattle (WA), since 1988, posters, Bicentennial of Polish May 3rd Constitution, 1791-1991, American Council of Polish Culture (A.C.P.C.), 1991.
Member of: artistic commission member, Students of Architecture Association, Warsaw, 1933-39; Polish Artists Union, 1946-62; Association of Architects of the Republic of Poland; American Institute of Architects (AIA), 1972-87.
Honors, i.a.: Cross of Valor (4 times). Polish Government in Exile, London (United Kingdom); numerous artistic awards, 5 gold medals, numerous prizes and citations, 1933-1991; Nautilus Medal, University of Detroit, 1984; Scholae Bene Merito, State Higher School of Fine Arts, Poznan, 1986; honorary letter, American Institute of Architects (AIA), 1987; The Jerzy Staniszkis Exhibition Hall, University of Detroit, 1987.
Served with: Polish Army, September '39 Campaign, 2nd Iieutenant.
Affiliation: Roman Catholic.
Languages: Polish, English.
Hobbies: relationship of arts, social problems, travel.
Home: ul. Chlapowskiego 20, 02-779 Warsaw, POLAND.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.