Maria L. Starczewska Koshel
Geography educator
Born Nov. 17, 1935, Warsaw; came to U.S., 1958; daughter Jan Starczewski and Halina (Milkowska); married John Koshel.
Education: University of Warsaw, 1953-58; Master of Arts (M.A.), 1961, Ph.D., 1971, Columbia University, New York City.
Career: fellow, Hunter College, New York City, 1960-62; instructor, 1963-71, assistant prof., 1971-78, associate prof., 1978 -, Hofstra University, Hempstead (NY).
Author: various articles, book reviews in professional journals.
Member of: Association of American Geographers; Society of Women Geographers (president, New York chapter); Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (P.I.A.SA.) (board directors member, 1976-79).
Honors: A. Moffat fellowship, 1962; grant, National Science Foundation (NSF), 1964.
Languages: Polish, English, Russian.
Hobbies: crafts, cycling, water sports.
Home: 175 Beach 132 Street, Belle Harbor, NY 11694.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.