David Russell Stefancic
History educator
Born Oct. 20, 1952, Sheboygan (WI), U.S.; son of Orville and Dolores (Bladzik - Kubisiak); married Pamela (Sobehrad); children: Regina, Jarold.
Education: Catholic University of Lublin (Poland), 1974; Bachelor of Science (B.S.), University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, 1976; Master of Arts (M.A.), Marquette University, Milwaukee (WI), 1980; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1990.
Career: assistant prof. (history), University of Wisconsin, Stout, 1977-90, Indiana University, South Bend, 1990-91, St. Mary's College, Notre Dame (IN), 1992 -; teaching assistant, Marquette University, 1977-78, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1983-86; instructor, University of Wisconsin, Extension, 1984-85, Milwaukee Area Technical College, 1984-86, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 1986.
Author: Robotnik, A Short Story of the Struggle for Workers Self Management and Free Trade Unions in Poland, 1944-81, 1992; numerous articles on Polish and East European history.
Member of: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies (AAASS); Pilsudski Institute of America; Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (P.I.A.S.A.).
Honors: Phi Alpha Theta; Alpha Mu Gamma.
Languages: English, Polish, Russian, German.
Hobbies: collecting books on Polish history, Polish postal history, and toy soldiers.
Home: 2035 Woodridge Avenue, South Bend, IN 46615.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.