Marek Swiecicki
Journalist, author
Born Jul. 1, 1915, Odessa, Russia; came to U.S., 1957; son of Michal and Emilia (Morgajewska); married Krystyna (Kuratowska); child: Michael.
Education: Master of Arts (M.A.), University of Warsaw (Poland), 1939.
Career: editor, Dekada, Iskra (news agency), Warsaw (Poland), 1935-38; reporter, Paris (France), 1939, war correspondent, Western and Italian fronts, 1944-45, Polish Telegraph Agency; editor, Polish Daily, Soldiers Daily, Glasgow, London (United Kingdom), 1943-52; chief department, Radio Free Europe, Munich (Germany), 1952-56, senior editor, Voice of America, Munich and Washington (DC), 1956-94.
Author: With The Red Devils at Arnhem, 1944; Seven Rivers to Bologna, 1946; Ostatni rok wojny, 1946; Pasazer na gape, 1983; Z mikrofonem przez historie, 1990; Z mikrofonem przez USA, 1991; co-author (with R. Nowotarska), Gentleman from Michigan, 1970.
Member of: Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America (P.I.A.S.A.); Pilsudski Institute of America; Polish - American Art Association, Washington.
Honors: for World War II: Cross of Valor (Poland), Croix de Combatants (France), Defence Medal (United Kingdom), stars for the French, German and Italian campaigns.
Served with: Polish Armed Forces in the West, Italian Front. 2nd Iieutenant.
Affiliation: Republican. Roman Catholic.
Languages: Polish, English, French, Russian.
Hobbies: swimming, travel.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.