Swietoslawski, Wojciech AlojzyResearch chemist. Senior Industrial Fellow of the Mellon Institute. Former professor of the Politechnic Institute, Warsaw, Poland. Business address: Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, Pittsburgh, Pa. Born in Kiryjowka, Poland, June 21, 1881. Son of Waclaw and Aniela (Rogozinski) Swietoslawski. Graduated from Kieff [Kiev?] Institute of Technology as a chemical engineer in 1904. Pursued post graduate work at University of Kieff [Kiev?] and received from same a Doctor of Science degree in 1917, Married Mary Olszewski, June 4, 1909. Has one child. Assistant in Chemistry Institute of Technology, Kiev, Russia, 1908-10; Assistant Professor at University of Moscow, 1910-1918; Professor of Physical Chemistry at the Institute of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 1918-39; Dean of the Faculty at the Politechnic Institute, Warsaw, Poland, 1918-39; Rector of the Institute of Technology, 1928-29; Minister of Education in Poland, 1935-39; Visiting Professor of the University of Pittsburgh, 1940; Lecturer at the University of Iowa, Iowa City, 1941. Senior Fellow of the Mellon Institute of Industrial Research, Pittsburgh, Pa., from 1941 to present time. Vice-president of the International Union of Chemistry, 1930 to date. Chairman of International Union of Chemistry, 1930 to date (1943). Chairman of International Committee for Physico chemical data 1936 to date (1943). Vice-president of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences since 1932. Member of the American Chemical Society. Honorary member of the Polish Chemical Society. Belgium Chemical Society, Roumanian Chemical Society, Austrian Chemical Society, Industrial French Chemical Society and Italian Association of Italian Chemical Societies. Clubs: Robert Kennedy Duncan Club at the Mellon Institute. Author of followings works: "Diazocompounds," published in Russia, Moscow, Ledencow Society; "Thermochemistry," German edition, Akademische Verlag Ges. Leipzig, 1928; "Thermochemistry," French edition, Felix Alcan, Paris, 1933, "Physical Chemistry," Polish edition, 4 volumes, Trzaska Evert Michalski, 1923-1928, Warsaw, Poland; "Embuliometry," Polish edition, Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland, 1936; "Embuliometry," American edition, Chemical Publishing Co., New York, 1937; "Laboratory Experiments," published by M. Centnerszwer, Polish edition, Arct, Warsaw, Poland, 1921. Also author of about 300 papers in different journals in seven languages published from 1908 to 1942. Residence: 416 Morewood Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943