Edward Alan Symans (Szymanski)

Diplomat, author

Born May 8, 1903, Grand Rapids (MI), U.S.; son of Stanislaw and Therese (Zdrojewski); married Therese (de Fisse); children: Chantal, Mireille.

Education: Marquette University (WI), 1923-24; University of Warsaw (Poland), 1932-33.

Career: vice consul, American diplomatic service, 1936-62; free-lance writer, history of local Polish - Americans, researcher, Polish community for Grand Rapids Historic Commission, 1979-91.

Author: poetry, Against Death in Spring, 1934, From the Fourth Province, 1952, Fallen Stars, 1961; numerous poems; translator, poems of K. Wierzynski, 1959; articles in: Stolica (Poland), Wonderland Magazine, Polish American Studies (United States); collection of Polish painting and silver (donated to Polish National Museum, Warsaw).

Member of: founder, honorary member, Polish Heritage Society.

Honors: scholarship, University of Warsaw, 1936; Certificate of Appreciation, Grand Rapids Historic Commission, 1979; award, Polish Historic Society, 1979.

Affiliation: Catholic.

Languages: English, Polish, Russian, French.

Hobbies: history, poetry, memoirs.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.

Symans (Szymanski), Edward A.
Diplomat. Born in Grand Rapids, Mich.; education: St. Isidor's parochial school, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Marquette University. In 1930 received scholarship engaged as a teacher for three years; to go to Warsaw, Poland. In Poland became a member of U.S. Consulate in Warsaw. Author of a book of poetry. Linguist. After German invasion of Warsaw, went to Berlin, then to Moscow. At present in Turkey with U.S. Embassy. Home address: 740 Innes St., Minneapolis, Minn.

From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943