Patricia Carol Szlyk-Modrow
Research physiologist, army nuclear science officer
Born Dec. 24, 1952, Worcester (MA), U.S.; daughter of Stanislaw and Felicja (Kislak); married Harold Modrow III; child: Eric.
Education: Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) (summa cum laude), Elmira College (NY), 1974; Clark University, Worcester, 1974-75; Ph.D. (honors with distinction), State University of New York (SUNY), Buffalo, 1980; Command General Staff College, Dover (DE), 1991 -.
Career: research assistant, Worcester Foundation Experimental Biology, Shrewsbury (MA), 1974-75; lecturer, fellow, Queen's University, Kingston (Canada), 1980-83; research physiology, U.S. Army Research Institute Environmental Medicine, Natick (MA), 1983 -; biochemist, company commander, 373 General Hospital, 1989-91, company commander, 309 Field Hospital, 1991-92, nuclear science officer, 803 Medical Group, 1992 -, United States Army Reserve (USAR), Boston (MA); special award judge, International Science and Engineering Fair, United States Army Reserve (USAR) Laboratory, Research Triangle (NC), 1989 -.
Author: over 40 abstracts and 52 articles in journals and books on thirst, heat injury, control of breathing, dehydration, fluid and electrolyte balance; poem in Pegasus, 1974.
Member of: Canadian Physiological Society; American Society of Zoologists; American Physiological Society; Reserve Officers Association; New York Academy of Science; assistant girl scout leader, Girl Guides of Canada, 1982-83; active member, Sigma Xi (vice president, 1989-90, president, 1990-91, delegate to national meeting, 1990, Natick chapter); science fair judge, Worcester Regional Science Fair, Massachusetts Regional Sciene Fair.
Honors: Phi Beta Kappa; Tri Beta; 1 of 10 Outstanding Junior Officer of the Year, National Reserve Officers Association, 1991; Army Commendation Medal, Achievement Medal with 2 Oak Clusters (three times), U.S. Army, 1987, 1990, 1991; fellowship, Canadian Heart Association, 1980-83; listed in 10 Who's Who.
Served with: United States Army Reserve (USAR), major, 1985 -.
Affiliation: Independent. Roman Catholic.
Languages: English, French.
Hobbies: bicycling, golf, reading.
Office: United States Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine, Comparative Physiology Division, Kansas Street, Natick, MA 01760.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.