Boleslaw Karol Szymanski
Computer science specialist, educator
Born Apr. 22, 1950, Pasiek, Poland; came to U.S., 1982; married Emilia (Haraf); children: Piotr, Witold.
Education: Master of Engineering (in electronics), Technical University of Warsaw (Poland), 1973; Ph.D., Institute of Computer Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw (Poland), 1976.
Career: assistant prof., Technical University of Warsaw, 1973-75; adjunct, department head, INTE Institute, Warsaw, 1976-81; research fellow, Aberdeen University (United Kingdom), 1978; visiting prof., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1982-85; prof., 1985 -, acting department head, 1993-94, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy (NY); expert and consultant to i.a.: International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), General Electric Company (GE), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), United Nations (UN) Development Office, since 1983; expert testimony, U.S. Congress, 1987; visiting research, ICASE, NASA, 1989.
Author: Parallel Functional Languages and Compilers (monograph), 1991; 7 book chapters; over 50 articles in professional journals, and numerous conference papers in America, Europe and Asia.
Member of: co-founder, secretary, Polish Computer Sciences Association; senior member, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Computer Society; active member, lecturer, Association for Computing Machinery.
Honors: winner, International Mathematical Olympiad, Moscow (U.S.S.R.), 1968; Champion in Technology, Main Technical Organization (Polland), 1975; research fellowship, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), 1978; research grants, National Science Foundation (NSF), Office of Naval Research, Army Research Office, International Busines Machines Corporation (IBM), 1985 -; 1st prize in SuCuPar93 (international parallel computation competition), Menheim (Germany), 1993.
Languages: Polish, English, Russian.
Hobbies: history, tennis, soccer.
Home: 6 Hollow Road, Newtonville, NY 12128.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" 1st Edition 1996-1997, Boleslaw Wierzbianski editor; Bicentennial Publishing Corporation, New York, NY, 1996.