Szymczak, Miecislaus Stephen, LL.D.Member of the Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System; Economist. Born in Chicago, Ill., Aug. 15, 1894. Son of Stanley and Magdalena (Werner) Szymczak; education: A.B., St. Mary's College, 1914; A.M., 1917; Mt. St. Mary's Seminary, Cincinnati, 0., 1914-15; A.B., De Paul University, 1917; AM., 1918; Extension Course, New York University, School of Commerce. Married Helen Mary Lappin, of Chicago, III., Jan. 15, 1916; children: Helen, Josephine, Mary, Elizabeth. Instructor in mathematics, St. Mary's College, 1913-1914; instructor in mathematics and history, De Paul Univ., Prep. Sch., 1914-1919; instructor in logic and public speaking, College of Commerce, De Paul Univ., 1919-1923; prof. of ethics, logic and psychology in Business Administration and Economics since 1923: vice-pres., Hatterman & Glanz State Bank, 1927-1928; organizer, 1925, dir. until 1928, Ridgemoor Bldg. & Loan Ass'n: dir. First National Finance Corp.; elected clerk of Superior Court of Cook Co., 1929; appointed comptroller City of Chicago, 1931; member board of governors, Federal Reserve System, Washington, D. C.: reappointed in 1936. Gen. Supt. Cook Co. Forest Preserve Distr., 1927-1928. Member Izaak Walton League, Mercier Philos. Soc. (organizer); Chicago Zool. Soc.; Northwest Chamber Commerce, Milwaukee Ave., Chamber of Commerce; State League of Bldg. & Loan Ass'ns; Alpha Chi; Democrat. Lecturer on Americanization and philosophy in business. Office: 532 Washington Bldg., Washington, D.C.
From: "Who's Who in Polish America" by Rev. Francis Bolek, Editor-in-Chief; Harbinger House, New York, 1943